How We Live Our Lives

How We Live Our Lives

I have been thinking a lot about kindness today. Something so easy and simple is often overlooked in a world of offence, rage and uncertainty. We can all be kind to others if we chose, but often the world in which we live discourages us from showing who we really are. Be it to stranger, friend, animal or the community in which we live, to show kindness without condition is truly to feel part of something bigger and more satisfying.

Acknowledge someone you pass in the street. Smile. Offer to help where you can or just be there if you can't. These are lessons for life and no-one is too old to learn or too young to try.

Be kind to others because you can. Be thankful if others show kindness to you, no matter how small it may be. There is as much beauty in how we live our lives as there is in what we see around us.

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