Faster Than I Want To Move

Faster Than I Want To Move

It feels like the others are just that little bit further ahead of me these days, or at least, that's how it seems when I decide to take notice. Maybe I am slowing down a little. Not such a bad thing if true. Or perhaps it's just that the others are now moving faster than I want to move. It makes little difference. I tell myself that a change in pace can be a good thing. I wonder whether the same applies to a change in focus?

I suspect that it does.

When I saw that I was slipping behind I didn't mind. I knew I wouldn't. In fact, I stopped and wondered whether now was the time to take another path altogether.

Perhaps it is.

I wonder whether this is one of those moments that you read about. If so, it's important to see it for what it is and to take care, whatever is decided.

I think I will be fine though. I still have them in my sights for now. Until I decide to stop looking.


To Be Associated With Brighton

To Be Associated With Brighton

