For No Reason Other Than You Can

For No Reason Other Than You Can

Oh, if only we could be liked by others a little more often.

Is that too much for a person to ask?

Although, to be liked implies that we must be likable in the first place, and that is sadly not a given.

I’m sure many of us feel this way at times. Some of us more often than others, of course. Many of us blessed with a sense of personal awareness will know that what others think of us is irrelevant to keeping our own happiness at a healthy level. But we also know that there are times when such a view is just plain wrong.

And at those times and on those days what good is a beautiful view or a pretty face?

None, is the correct answer.

So when a beautiful photograph does nothing to improve your mood or raise your levels of self-esteem even a little, well, there is only one thing left to do.

And that is to share an image of rusty numbers on the side of an old beach hut, for no reason other than you can, and try to convince yourself that in its own way it has serious artistic merit.

Even if she probably wouldn’t find it idyllic at all.

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How Can I Tell People They Are Being Mislead When They Think That I Am The Problem?

There's A Lot Of Dignity In Going Out Like A Raspberry Ripple

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