Modern But Sadly Unbalanced Times

Modern But Sadly Unbalanced Times

It was a challenge to hear much above the general hubbub that suddenly appeared when the group stepped out of their training room and onto the sun-baked terrace behind me. The voices, a cacophony in the truest sense of the word, all seemed to be trying to outdo and compete with each other in their post-learning excitement. They certainly managed to drown out the rather civilised murmurs that had previously rippled around the ground during the morning’s play, in appreciation of an excellent forward defensive or a well disguised googly no doubt.

A few high pitched laughs, most of them female for some reason, seemed to stand out above the general chatter and the additional noise of cutlery upon buffet-laden china, as the corporate networking began to take effect.

One could only imagine the glares and audible tutting that was no doubt emanating from the members area.

And, of course, the irony of privileged members in their sparsely populated seating being subsidised by such “oh so noisy” corporate conferences would have been completely lost on them I suspect.

Still, white male privilege being supported by the working classes is hardly new, even in these modern and sadly unbalanced times.

The Slow, Inevitable Creep Towards Invisibility

The Slow, Inevitable Creep Towards Invisibility

An Overwhelming Feeling Of Melancholic Beauty

An Overwhelming Feeling Of Melancholic Beauty