Dream Big, Dream Strange

Dream Big, Dream Strange

I had a dream last night.

A strange dream, even by my usual strange standards.

I was on a training course, in this dream, that was for some reason taking place on an unidentified high street. Checking my schedule, I realised that my next session was taking place in a junk shop down the street and had to run to get there on time. At the door everyone was given a set of false teeth to wear before entering. Once inside, the lecturer stood up and explained that he was going to ask us each a number of questions. He wanted us to to answer in front of the group, whilst wearing the teeth, and he would then analyse the responses and confirm whether we were answering honestly.

I never got to answer.

There is nothing quite as peculiar as what goes on in our heads.

Absolute Certainty That Things Are Not Right

Absolute Certainty That Things Are Not Right

People Matter - Number One of an Occasional Series - Ray

People Matter - Number One of an Occasional Series - Ray