In Our Heads We Are Timeless

In Our Heads We Are Timeless

I rediscovered something today.

A few words that I had pulled together a while ago whilst on a break in the countryside. Words that had meaning at the time but for some reason had been filed away and forgotten until their unexpected reappearance.

And when I read them again I found that everything came flooding back. I remembered exactly where I was, what I was doing and how I was feeling. It really was as if I was there.

And it made me think.

Time changes everything and we are unable to resist it, no matter how hard we try.

But in our heads we are timeless. Things that matter stay with us for as long as we want them to, and in exactly the way that we want to remember them.

Somehow, today, that brought me comfort.


I walked this morning. For miles and hours. Along lanes, tracks and footpaths. Across fields and through woods. I saw the sun rise and gazed as the blue sky appeared over hedgerows and stone walls. I startled horses from their solitary feeding in fields of dew-wet grass and caused cows to stop and stare mid-chew as I watched them over the gate. I paused frequently and witnessed vistas and views that were magical and yet everyday in this wonderful place. I caught my breath and then moved on again. Stepping on stones and grass and wading through mud up to my ankles and higher, walking paths soaked from last nights rain and puddles much deeper than they looked. In lanes I heard birdsong and caught glimpses as they flew between trees, backed by the soft white light and otherwise silent morning air. I saw no-one and heard only the beautiful sounds of nature waking up and stretching as it yawned, swung its legs out of bed and pulled on its glorious boots.

Permission To Relax And Breathe Again

Permission To Relax And Breathe Again

Well Intentioned Passion Is A Joy To See

Well Intentioned Passion Is A Joy To See