All It Takes Is Effort

All It Takes Is Effort

Once you have decided on a direction, mostly, it takes effort to get to where you want to be.

Real effort.

Because anyone can just go with the flow, wake up, do nothing and see where life takes you. That’s not difficult. We all do that, every day.

That’s easy.

It’s the real, “I want to do this and achieve something” kind of effort, that makes things happen, that’s what I’m talking about here.. The kind that you get only when you’re focused. The kind that has you breathing heavily and sweating embarrassingly as you climb that hill, the one that you saw and decided you really wanted to be at the top of and nothing was going to stop it happening.

And the views, the feeling, as you stop and take the time to look back and see how far you have climbed, how far you have come. That's what makes it worthwhile, when you realise that maybe you do actually have what it takes to get to where you want to be.

That’s effort.

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