Anyone Still Remember The Good Old Days?

Anyone Still Remember The Good Old Days?

So last night the lock down was extended. By another three weeks.

No great surprise to anyone, really. But hidden away in the small print were a few quietly released relaxations of some of the previous restrictions. You had to look hard to find them, but there they were.

And today?

Well, the roads did seem just a little busier, but that could have just been timing or perception. But we used the new guidelines, followed them as accurately as we could, and actually drove a few miles for our daily exercise allowance.

And we discovered a gem.

Beautiful hills, fields and woods. Virtually no people, other than a handful of dog walkers. And no busy car parks, just a few vehicles on the side of the street. Sadly, the sunshine and warmth of the previous few weeks had disappeared, but it remained dry and a few grey clouds never hurts anyone.

A perfect place to walk and forget for an hour. Although perhaps a more accurate way of putting it is to say that it reminded me a great deal of those times, not so very long ago, when we still lived in a free world and were able to make personal choices about time and locations.

Anyone still remember those good old days?

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