A Cure For Pandemic Grumpiness Perhaps

A Cure For Pandemic Grumpiness Perhaps

We were pretty grumpy when we left the car.

Both of us, if I am being completely honest. We were each being a little ratty with the other that morning.

Let’s call it a pre, post lock down sort of grumpiness, shall we?

And that’s about as close as I can get to accurately describing how I feel most of the time these days. They seem to fluctuate, my emotions that is, in this energy sapping world of social denial and peer judgment that we have all been inhabiting for far too long.

And no-one is easy to live with right now.

So was it fortuitous or just good planning, the way in which we managed to get over our frustrations so quickly?

Ask me and I will smile and consider taking at least some of the credit as the planner, the ideas man, of our bank holiday trip. But ask my wife and she will perhaps be a little more honest. She will contemplate and take a moment and will tell you, almost certainly, that no-one can stay grumpy for too long. Especially, and this is the thing, when you find yourself surrounded by such beauty.

And I can’t argue with that.

Her words, whether uttered or maybe just imagined, well, they explain how easy it is to lose yourself in a breathtaking place. Especially when it’s our favourite little piece of woodland filled with seasonal bluebells.

Because you can and we did.

And maybe, when faced with such blinding reality, it becomes easier to remember that there are always things more important and worthwhile than negative emotions. You just have to remind yourself to park the gumpiness and look for them.

A Monday Afternoon Conversation

A Monday Afternoon Conversation

How Can I Tell People They Are Being Mislead When They Think That I Am The Problem?

How Can I Tell People They Are Being Mislead When They Think That I Am The Problem?