And I Wonder, Do We Waste Our Time?

And I Wonder, Do We Waste Our Time?

Because when you see something, something that touches you in a way that almost dares you to try and find the words to describe it, well, you can't just see it and keep on walking, can you?

And yet, when you pause, when you look and try to take it all in, the capture of a simple photograph does not quite feel sufficient somehow.

I mean, how can you save and preserve such a brief and fleeting moment and expect, or maybe even just hope, that somehow it will convey the emotions and context that you experienced and allow someone else to feel what you felt?

How can you?

Oh To Bring A Little Classical Philosophy Into A Conversation

Oh To Bring A Little Classical Philosophy Into A Conversation

When Unpleasant Things Command Our Attention

When Unpleasant Things Command Our Attention