The Arrogance Of Cool

The Arrogance Of Cool

What is cool?

What is it about something, someone, that just makes you ache to own it, to want to be around it or even be like them?

I spoke to someone today who accidentally said that he thought something that he had created was cool. And then he seemed to realise that, perhaps, it wasn't cool to actually admit such a thought out loud.

But he was right.

His creation, creations, were cool. So effortlessly stylish and desirable. I knew what he meant and told him so.

And he, with the right level of humility, seemed to appreciate the acceptance of his work and his opinion.

But I wonder.

Is a humble. modest version of cool agreeable? Or does cool cease to exist if it is not accompanied by the correct level of confidence?

Can You Afford To Dream?

Can You Afford To Dream?

Brown Signing, Memories, Cake and Buttercups

Brown Signing, Memories, Cake and Buttercups