And What Is Art?

And What Is Art?

And what is art?

Type it into a search engine and see what you find.

From Elbert Hubbard in 1908, “art is not a thing, it is a way” to Federico Fellini in 1965, “all art is autobiographical”. It is clear that no-one is really able to offer a truly definitive answer.

So I tend to stick with the one that someone shared with me many years ago. This someone was clearly knowledgeable, he earned a good living by consulting and trading in the art world. And his view was simple in many ways.

Art has the power to stop you and force you to engage with it. Like it, love it, hate it or simply be indifferent towards it, but art forces you to take a view and experience it, just for a moment.

And for some reason that appeals to me.

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