The Accumulation Of Wealth And Stuff And Things

The Accumulation Of Wealth And Stuff And Things

As far as words go, success can be bad.

Now don’t misunderstand me. Success itself is no bad thing. But the word and the context in which it is frequently used, well, this can be dangerous territory.

Because, and here is the thing, when it’s used to define someone and the way that they have lived their life, it has the power to do irreparable harm.

I was reminded the other day that it just feels wrong to be defining people and their relative successes with careless opinions based upon materialistic values.

Because we are not the large bank balance, the expensive house or the new car. We are not even the exam results or the job title or the company that employs us.

Success has never been these things.

And often, those that actually have the large bank balance and the good exam results, they get to decide whether those without should be considered successful or not. These days such a view may be considered culturally acceptable but is undoubtedly cruel and misguided.

Success in life is many things. But mostly, in my opinion, a successful and good life is being able to see the beauty and the good in the world and the people that surround us. And then choosing to live a kind and honest life that embraces this beauty.

This is success.

This is how we should live our lives.

Not in the accumulation of wealth and status and stuff.

There's A Lot Of Dignity In Going Out Like A Raspberry Ripple

There's A Lot Of Dignity In Going Out Like A Raspberry Ripple

And Then, Of Course, I Chose To Ignore It

And Then, Of Course, I Chose To Ignore It